Monday 11 April 2016

Glamorize Your Attire With A Stylish Bow Tie Made From Satin or Silk

Use of the bow tie can be dated centuries back, but it was not until the early 1900s, when people started using it more often. Those who used it during this period were mostly doctors and teaching professionals. Strangely the fashion world actually forgot about the bow tie after the Second World War. Today, it has come back with a bang and is often matched with stylish men’s attire. 

When Are Bow Ties Worn And What Are The Ways In Which They Can Be Tied? 

You may have seen people wearing these ties with casual shirts, however the right occasion for wearing bow ties is during a black tie or white tie event. If you are going to a formal event and intend to wear a bow tie, it must be matched with a tuxedo suit. The bow tie used must be made from satin or silk. During such occasions, it is necessary to wear a bow tie that you have tied yourself and not a clip-on-the-collar variety as such a bow will look poorly for an elegant and high society event. The color of the tie must be white when formal men’s attire is worn. 

Today bow ties can be worn casually. On occasions you can wear a bow tie with the bright colored shirt. Here you can opt for a bow tie made up of special  such as linen. For instance polka dot bow ties are best  for casual wear!!!

Bow ties are available in many variants clip-on and pre-tie are one of them. It is important to learn how to knot a bow tie by yourself. There are many ways to knot a bow tie, out of which the most common is the butterfly shape. This shape goes well for all occasions. An enhanced version of this is big butterfly shape which is mostly worn in formal events. If you are looking for a unique look, check out the rounded club and diamond point bow tie knots, both of which are rarely available and gives you a unique look .  

Buy bow ties online to get ties in the most attractive variants!!